
OBA Academy


Session by KPMG on VAT and Tax for Financial Service Industry

On 23rd May 2022, OBA Academy arranged a half-day workshop with KPMG on VAT in the Financial Service Industry. 17 executives from 15 banks registered to attend this session. 


Environment, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG)

A virtual workshop was held on 16th May 2022 titled 'Sustainable Finance and ESG Rising Risks & Opportunities' conducted by ESG Integrate Consultancy. The session was attended by around 40 bankers.


Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF)

Two-day course on Customer Service Excellence was held on the 13th and 14th March 2022. This was pay per participant course attended by a number of participants.


Meet The Expert

On 14th March 2022, OBA Academy hosted Mr. Omar Ansary, Secretary General, Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) in its series of 'Meet The Expert'. 

The discussion revolved around strategic and operational challenges involving the adoption and implementation of AAOIFI standards. Specific topics covered during the session were, as follows:

  • Understanding the problems and solution statements;
  • Arguments for and against standards; 
  • Instruction of AAOIFI the standard setting organization; 
  • Kept strategic challenges in the adoption of AAOIFI standards; and 
  • Key operational challenges in the implementation of AAOIFI standards.

The event was attended by around 70 senior executives from the banking community and CBO.


Session with Bahrain Institute of on 22nd of February 2022

Topic: Overview of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) from a Banking Perspective


  • Definition and Scope of sustainable development and its importance
  • Overview of ESG Factors and why they matter
  • Challenges of adapting ESG models
  • The relevant bodies associated with sustainability



Ethical Hacker by EC-Council

A 5-day certification program was conducted on-line from 21st to 25th November 2021.


Meet The Expert

The session took place on 25th October 2021, attended by a number of senior bankers. Mr. Amin Al Husseini, ex. CEO Oman Arab Bank, is now engaged with the private corporate sector and had been consulting companies during the difficult COVID times. During the session, Mr. Amin provided insight on challenges facing corporates.


International Coaching Federation (ICF)

ICF Oman Chapter arranged a special virtual session for OBA on 20th October 2021 that was attended by 20 bankers.

The topics covered were:

  • What coaching is and isn't;
  • International Coaching Federation and the Role of ICF Oman;
  • The Value of Coaching;
  • Review of success stories in Oman and the Region;
  • Testimonials from recipients of coaching; and
  • Top reasons organizations invest in coaching.

Risk Management Champions

The 3-day specialized course by PwC Academy concluded on 2nd September 2021 and was attended by 18 bank executives.

A wide range of risk management topics were covered, such as, roles and responsibilities of risk champions, risk management fundamentals & guidelines, corporate governance, BCP, risk taxonomies, compliance, and internal audit.


Meet The Expert

The second session in Meet the Expert series was held on 13th September 2021 with Mr. Khalid Al Kayed, CEO Bank Nizwa. His main topic was the journey of Islamic Banking in Oman. The session was attended by 77 senior bank executives including OBA Chairman, 4 bank CEOs, and CBO plus CMA executives. Feedback received on Meet The Expert series was indeed encouraging.


Risk Management Champions by PwC Academy

This 3-day programme commenced on 31st August and will run until 2nd September 2021.

This 3-day programme commenced on 31st August and will run until 2nd September 2021. The programme will cover a wide range of topics, such as, the roles and responsibilities of risk champions, risk management fundamentals & guidelines, corporate governance, BCP, risk taxonomies, compliance & internal audit, and many other risk management related topics. 18 executives registered to attend this training. 


Navigating HR's Impact

Based on a recommendation by OBA's HR Committee, OBA Academy arranged for a one day session on 9th August 2021, presented by known HR experts who had published a number of books and numerous research papers; Prof. Dave Ulrich from University of Michigan and Prof. Patrick Wright from the University of South Carolina USA. 23 HR executives attended this session.


Meet The Expert

The first invitee to speak at this exclusive series of webinars was Dr. Adnan Ahmed Yousif, Chairman of Bahrain Association of Banks and former President/CEO of Al Baraka Banking Group. Dr. Adnan has over 30 years of experience in banking and had shared some insights covering a wide range of topics during this live webinar that took place on 26th July 2021. More than 40 senior bankers attended this session including OBA Chairman, a number of bank CEOs, and executives from regulatory bodies.


Collections & ECL

This two-day webinar by EY was held on 5th and 6th July 2021

Twenty-eight bank executives from seven banks attended this pay-per-participant program. 


Digital Transformation in Financial Services

2-day webinar conducted by EY took place on the 15th and 16th June 2021.

The webinar was attended by 19 banking executives from 6 banks. This was a pay per participant workshop.


Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO)

A 4-day virtual training course took place between 28th March and 31st March 2021 titled Certified Chief Information Officer Version 3 by EC-Council. 

Certified CISO is a highly specialized training and certification program aimed at producing top-level information security executives. The program focused on the application of information security management principles from an executive management point of view including Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, Information Security Controls, Information Security Core Competencies, and Strategic Planning.

The program was attended by information security executives from a number of banks as well as the CBO and CMA. 


Sohar Port Freezone, 5th November 2020

Sohar Port Freezone presented its modus operandi and investment opportunities at the free zone. This was followed by a discussion with senior bankers on challenges faced by international investors when dealing with certain banking transactions. Twenty-one executives attended this event.


Leading People Through Tough Times

20 participants from a number of banks attended this session. This event was free-of-charge.


IBOR Transition

27 participants from a number of banks attended this session which was delivered on-line by experts in the field of reference rates. The event was pay per participant.


Global Fraud is Exploding

OBA in coordination with the knowledge partner EY organised webinar titled Global Fraud is Exploding held on 28th September 2020. The session was pay per participant, and had 20 registrations by bank executives.
